Our mission is to provide comfort, hope & inspiration for Spiritual Awakening and Self-Enlightenment. Our aim is to simplify the concepts of the Spiritist philosophy through its the study and practice, bringing their connection to everyday life, bringing light into our lives. Ultimately, to better humanity in knowledge and love by improving ourselves.
Study Groups
Bring your family to our special sessions designed for young kids and families, where we introduce the fundamentals of Spiritism in a fun and engaging way.
Through interactive activities, stories, and discussions, children learn about the principles of kindness, reincarnation, and the spirit world. It’s a wonderful opportunity for families to grow spiritually together!
Therapeutic Talks
Join us for our monthly public meeting.
Therapeutic Talks explores the Scientific, Philosophical and Moral principles of Spiritism.
It is aimed at providing comfort & inspiration for spiritual awakening and self-enlightenment.
The topics will be related to every-day life’s challenges and joys, reminding us of how to live happier, more balanced lives. Everyone is welcome.
Spiritism is a Science and Philosophy, which brings light and understanding to life and morality.
Spiritist Ideas provide a wonderful set of tools to support individuals achieve spiritual enlightenment through spiritual education, physical and mental healing, and more relevant than everything else, the practice of Love in Action (Charity).
Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail – a French thinker and educator whose pen name was Allan Kardec – compiled and systematized Spiritist teachings through the publication of several books between 1857 and 1868. Professor Rivail’s books bring to us a set of ideas that embrace the spiritual nature of human beings and are deeply connected with the teachings of Christ.
Frequently Asked Question

What is Spiritism?
Spiritism is a religious and philosophical doctrine codified by Allan Kardec, based on the belief in the existence and communication of spirits, the immortality of the soul, reincarnation, and moral and intellectual progress.

What are the main beliefs of Spiritism?
The main beliefs of Spiritism include the existence of God, the immortality of the soul, the plurality of inhabited worlds, the communication with spirits, reincarnation, and the moral and intellectual evolution of spirits.

Who was Allan Kardec?
Allan Kardec was the pen name of Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, a French educator and the founder of Spiritism. He compiled and organized the teachings of spirits communicated through mediums, resulting in foundational works such as “The Spirits’ Book.”

How does Spiritism differ from other spiritual or religious practices?
Spiritism differs from other spiritual or religious practices in its systematic approach to the study of spirits and the afterlife, its emphasis on reincarnation and moral progress, and its basis on the codification by Allan Kardec, which provides a structured doctrine.